Hi all,

I looked into the timing jumps in the FFT in MPIR 2.6 and in flint2.

About 2/3 of the difference in timings is due to the fact that the FFT
uses coefficients of twice the size (and convolution length just over
half the original length) once you go over certain boundaries. The
pointwise multiplications are thus far more expensive due to the
quadratic nature of their complexity. (A small fraction of the time is
due to zeroing coefficients, some of which may not actually need to be
zeroed -- a target for future optimisation.)

There is an optimisation that can be made which will help. Namely, one
can use fft coefficients slightly bigger than the originals (after
adjusting the convolution length and truncation so that this is
possible). At some point I may implement this. It shouldn't be hard to
do, but we probably need to wait until we have really efficient
pointwise multiplications.

The effect does become proportionally less as the integers multiplied
get larger, as the fft coefficients move out of the quadratic range
for multiplication. But there are clearly many opportunities for
improvement here.


On 17 October 2012 23:38, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In discussing another issue with Paul Zimmermann, he noted the
> following ugly jump in performance in the flint/mpir fft for
> multiplying two integers of the given number of limbs together:
>>         mpn_mul_fft_main
>>      limbs               time
>> 1046780    0.556109766
>> 1046781    0.556993896
>> 1046782    0.556378786
>> 1046783    0.556399360
>> 1046784    0.559116916
>> 1046785    0.783891259
>> 1046786    0.788226240
>> 1046787    0.792805531
>> 1046788    0.784128436
>> 1046789    0.786670290
>> 1046790    0.795639613
> Obviously this is supposed to increase smoothly. So it suggests a
> problem in the fft.
> This could possibly be a few things I can think of:
> * incorrect "tuning" values (not so much the values in fft-tuning.h as
> the way the functions pick appropriate n, w parameters, etc)
> * I am not doing the truncation correctly
> * there is a big jump overall because of a big jump in timing of
> individual pointwise multiplications
> I haven't found the problem yet, but will endeavour to find it soon.
> There is some limited hope that the fft times will improve if I can
> find the problem (and it isn't too hard to fix).
> Bill.

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