> If these are all errors in try, do the tests all pass? 
> You can ignore errors in try, which does not work with the DLL build 
> because it uses MPIR internals that are not exported by the DLL. 
after commenting out in win\make.bat strings
rem cd devel
rem cl %OPT% ..\..\..\tests\devel\try.c /I..\..\..\ /I..\..\..\tests 
..\refmpn.obj ..\refmpz.obj ..\trace.obj ..\spinner.obj ..\misc.obj 
..\memory.obj ..\getopt.obj %MPIRLIB%
rem if errorlevel 1 goto :err
rem cd ..
(perhaps they should be surrounded with IF %LIBTYPE% == lib ( ?) all 
remaining tests were ok

Thank you !

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