On 05/04/2014 02:51, Dann Corbit wrote:
> Windows 64 bit core2 build.  Problem building speed project (a file is
> missing).

Thanks for the report Dann.

I am not surprised that the ancilliary programs (tune, try and speed)
don't work as I have had to limit my own testing on VC10 to mpir and
mpir-tests as don't have Visual Studio 2010 installed on my development

I will see what I can do about this but I may have to drop support on
VS2010 for anything other than mpir and mpir-tests.

> There are also some dependencies that are not listed in the mpir_tests
> project.
> The first time I attempt to build it I get 15 failures.
> On the second attempt, all files build correctly.

Did you build the add-test-lib project before building the rest of the
test projects?

There is a limitation in Visual Studio when it is permitted to run
parallel builds.  On the first build started it does correctly build the
test library before building the test that depends on it, But any builds
of other tests that are started in parallel with this build and then
complete before it cannot link because the library output from the first
build hasn't yet been written.  Of course, when you try again the
library exists and the failed builds then succeed.

This behaviour can be stopped by turning off parallel builds but given
that there are 200 of them I thought it better simply to tell people to
build add-test-lib manually before building the tests.


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