Hi Brian,

If you are using absolute paths, I cannot see any reason why Visual 
> Studio would not find the library file.   But your MPIR directory and 
> your project directory are a long way apart: 
> Desktop\MPIR\mpir-2.7.0-alpha4\mpir-2.7.0\dll\x64\Debug. 
> Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\GBP\GBP2\ 
> My MPIR library and applications directories are much closer: 
> Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\mpir 
> Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\application 

 I rebuild the mpir libraries on a closer directory as you suggested, and I 
got rid off the error (not sure if this was the reason the error did not 
appear anymore). However, I am getting new errors like this one:

Error 84 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class 
std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class 
std::allocator<char> > * dai::Exception::ErrorStrings" 
Studio 2013\Projects\GBP\GBP4\GBP4\example.obj GBP4

I think this error might not be related to the mpir library but to the 
libDAI library, either way do not know how to solve it. Do you have any 

> >     An alternative is to add the library to the example project in 
> >     Visual Studio using the 'Add' right click menu item for the project 
> and 
> >     then 'Existing Item' to navigate to and add the library. 
> > 
> > 
> > I did not do this before. Now I did it, but I still get the same error 
> > message. 

I added the library to the project before rebuilding the MPIR library, and 
that did not solved the issue.

> I am afraid that I cannot see any obvious reason why your application 
> cannot see the MPIR library.  You said that you made sure of selecting 
> the Debug option in building the application. Did you also make sure 
> that you selected x64? 

Yes I made sure about the x64 option. 

> Is the intermediate directory of your application (under 'Configuration 
> Properties|General|Intermediaate Directory') set to: 
> $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ 

> and does the Macro $(IntDir) under 'Configuration Properties|Linker| 
> Input|Additional Dependencies' evaluate to 'x64\Debug\' 

Here, I am not sure what the Macro $(IntDir) is (or where I can find it), 
what I did was to include the full path of the mpir.lib file under 
 'Configuration Properties|Linker| 
Input|Additional Dependencies' 

Thank you.


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