On 21/07/2014 03:14, David edwards jr wrote:
> I use mpir and mpfr. and arrays of such types that I construct.  the
> problem is briefly as follows.  on a mesh of points, at every point in
> the mesh I construct an array of mpf's.  this is done in 1 loop and I
> get a certain heap size from task manager for the process.  when I do
> the second loop just as the first and immediately after the first the
> heap size doubles and there is no reason for it to change.  thus it
> appears that I am putting stuff on the heap without cleaning it off.  
> it grows essentially linearly with the number of loops.  and becomes
> essentially unusable as it consumes all of memory.

Hi David,

At what point do the values in your mpf's change?   What sort of
operations on them occur in the second loop?

Although the number of limbs used to represent an mpf is set when it is
initialised, when you do operations on them there will be temporary
mpn's created that will result in an increase in memory consumption.

> my question is  how do I begin to find the problem?
> other than this the implementation of mpir mpfr into c++ with visual
> studio has been straightforward and works well!

Have you looked at the use of the Visual Studio Debug libraries that can
be used to instrument and report on heap allocation problems:


I have found that this useful in finding memory leaks.


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