On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 22:21:56 UTC+1, Mike Terry wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to MPIR, and really am just playing around/familiarising 
> myself with what it can do at the moment.  My program produced an AV when 
> calling mpz_powm with large exp and mod parameters.  This seems to be due 
> to a miscalculation of a buffer size in , which has gone over 2^32 and so 
> been truncated, resulted in a buffer smaller than expected by the 
> subsequent MPIR code. 
> [snip details]

Thank you, Mke, for your comprehensive bug report, the detail of which is 
much appreciated.   

You are, of course, right that the code should detect and return an error 
rather than an access violation when a memory allocation request overflows 
32-bits.   Sadly, however the code comes from an age when such large 
requests were not considered too seriously and there are hence numerous 
places in the code where this issue is likely to show itself.   

In consequence it would require quite a bit of effort to rectify the 
problem and this, when combined with limited development resources and the 
fact that it doesn't occur on 64-bit Windows (now the priority), means that 
we will have to live with the issue on 32-bit Windows systems.

I recognise that telling users to move to 64-bit Windows won't be helpful 
for those who can't, or don't want to, do this.  But this is the only 
practical solution for those who want to deal with multiple precision 
arithmetic that is likely to require memory allocations of 4GB or more.

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