On 17/08/2018 21:59, Brett wrote:

> Hello, I really would like to use MPIR but I cannot after 1+ month of trying 
> for 200+ hours get anything to do anything. I know in Unix it's typical to 
> release source code, but on Windows nobody does it that way. 

Hi Brett,

I'm sorry that you have had issues in obtaining a suitable windows
binary of MPIR.  I wish that you had asked for help here before doing
all that  work since I feel sure that we could have steered you in the
right direction.

Please just compile your binary and upload the single .exe, .dll, or
.lib to the internet. Unlike Unix, Linux, and Mac, there is only one
version of Windows, so you only need to upload one binary file! It's a
lot easier on Windows! So please understand compiling other peoples'
source code on Windows in not standard, and as such you & us will only
ever have problems. We need to set up our computers to be exactly like
your computers in order for any source code to be worth anything.

The Windows build system for MPIR uses Microsoft Visual Studio for which
a free version is available.  The reason we don't offer binaries is that
there would have to be a lot of them since most users of MPIR want very
high speed and this means that the code has to be built for the specific
Intel processor on which a user wishes to run it.

But the Visual Studio build system is reasonably easy to use and a lot
of people are using it without difficulty so we should be able to guide
you through the process if you have run into trouble using it.

I know from Unix and Linux you guys obfuscate your OS and installation
methods in order to make it difficult and cool to use Linux. But
everyone else just wants to download 1 binary file and run it like you
know.. a normal person. You know how there's just 1 icon on my desktop
for Internet, and 1 icon for E-Mail, and 1 icon for Facebook. You need
to make 1 icon for MPIR! There is no need to have a .zip file with 4,172
files in it! Windows isn't like Linux, it's not hard to use! Windows can
just have 1 file!

As Bill has said we don't have the bandwidth to host the binaries as you
suggest.  But you are right that the current distribution approach is
one in which we put both the Linux and the Windows build into the same
distribution so each carries the unnecessary overhead of the other.  I
have a feeling that we should now offer the Linux/GCC and Windows/Visual
Studio builds as two separate distributions as this would greatly reduce
the size of the Windows distribution in particular.

If you are willing to try the Visual Studio build for MPIR, I feel sure
that I will be able to guide you through it (I am the developer and
maintainer of the build system on Windows).

   with my regards

      Brian Gladman

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