Carol Becker said, in part, regarding state funding of the planetarium:
> The issue in my mind is state significance.  This is something that kids
> from all over the state will come to to learn.  A project that
> benefits the
> whole state is appropriate for state money.  The planetarium,
> even though it
> is operated by the Library Board, is clearly a state asset similar to the
> Minnesota Zoo and is appropriate for state money.

Carol is absolutely right.  I too was glad to hear Representative Kelliher
clarify that last year's referendum does count as local effort and support
for the entire Central Library ($122M local) and Planetarium ($4M local of
$34M total) project.  The planetarium will indeed be extensively used by
school children of all ages statewide, as well as by the University of
Minnesota and other institutions of higher education throughout the state
and region.  I look forward to working with planetarium supporters and
educators statewide to secure legislative support for the New Space
Discovery Center & Planetarium.

Michael Hohmann
Independent Candidate, Minneapolis Public Library Board of Trustees

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