Wizard:"In my mind, the covetous looks at the Library referendum money by the 
city council and the mayor set off red flags.
Question to whoever out there has the answer: can Pelli sue us if we 
stop now?
Or, can we change to a less extravagant plan that fulfills our needs to 
house the library we already have?
We cannot keep big pieces of the collection in untouchable storage past 
2006. Even in my paltry use of the research function of MPL I've been 
frustrated several times by "Not Available till 2006" attached to a 
book's entry in the catalog. This decision could destroy the integrity 
of MPL as a library system. I'm not willing to make that kind of 
sacrifice to the almighty dollar, even when it's my dollar.
It's hardly a straw man."

Sorry, Wizard, but you sound like YOU are the one panicking.

These threats you see out there are pure paranoia.

Who's Pelli going to sue, the LIBRARY BOARD?  What lawyer would take the case?  

And if such a thing happens, then by golly, we need to change the charter of all these 
various entities to require a limitation on their ability to sign, on our behalf, 
contracts that can get US sued!

I'm sick of seeing lawsuits against the police and the city council that are really 
against US even though we NEVER get a say in the letting of these contracts!!!

Jim Mork--Cooper

"Only a LUNATIC would cut schools in order to pay for more bombs."

"Depart from me, you cursed of my Father. Inasmuch as you have not done it to the 
least of these my brethren, you have not done it unto me."
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