
If you are using a 5.1 client or later the userid of the process (typically
the logged on userid on NT) is passed.

Use the strmqtrc command on the client side to start the client trace.  Try
to connect,  then look in the directory:
mqclient_root\ERRORS, and find the AMQ*.TRC file.    This trace file will
tell you the userid that is failing.

On AIX,  that userid must be given explicit authority to the resources,  or
be made a member of a group that has authority to the queue manager and
queues ect.   (SMITTY USER)  not /etc/group.   Id advise against using the
mqm group unless the user is an mq administrator.

Glen Larson
Zurich North America

"Frank Mollica." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-Wien.AC.AT> on 05/09/2002
05:04:40 PM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:  client connection/authority problem


I'm trying to connect remotely to a qmgr (on solaris) and getting what I
perceive as strange results.  On the client machine, I'm logged in as a
member of the mqm group and I'm running amqsputc to test the connection.

When MCAUSER on the channel is left blank, I get a 2035 error.

When MCAUSER is set to any valid member of mqm, the connection attempt is
successful.  This says to me that the authorities are fine for the qmgr and
the queue, but that the qmgr is having trouble identifying the logged in
user as a member of the mqm group.

The /etc/group file was initially not set up properly to read from the
global NIS map, but even after this was fixed, the results are the same.

Can anyone offer some advice as to what might be happening here?


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