Just a reminder, the next WindySphere (The Chicago WebSphere User Group) meeting is 
one week away, Thursday April 29, 2004. The meeting will be held at IBM, 1 IBM Plaza, 
Chicago IL. 
If you have signed up, thank you. If you have not signed up, but would like to, please 
reply to this e-mail or register on our website, www.windysphere.org 
The agenda for the meeting is on the website. If you have issues you would like to 
have included in the 'top issues in the administration and management of WebSphere 
based applications' session, please send them along so we can have them on the agenda.

Terry House
Sr. Systems Engineer
IBM MQSeries Specialist
IBM MQSeries Solutions Expert
Tel:   (630)789-1659
Fax:  (630)789-1659
Cell:  (630)697-8526
Web:  www.mqsoftware.com

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive

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