Im getting crazy - how do one write to a SQLite3 database from MSE?

I have made a little project, basically a copy of the sqlite3_mini example:

Dropping tsqlite3connection - tmsesqlconnection - tmsesqlquery -
tmsedatasource, and a dbstringgrid plus a navigator on a form.

Using the the test.db from the sqlite3_mini project (same userrights).

I can read from the file, and I can insert new records at runtime, but
they are not written to the database, so starting next time the new
records are not there.

I have tried to compare all object inspector side by side with the
sqlite3_mini, everything is set exactly the same, and the SQL sentence
is also the same.

So is there some obscure parameter, hidden in the back alley without any
lighting, there have to be set?


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