Hello Fred,

you wrote on Sat, 2 Sep 2023 04:28:03 +0000:

> Sorry but I did not note those new versions of MSEclock, PostgresSQL and
> mailing list

So indded some of my earlier messages semm to not have made it to the list.
Well, after all, this former one obviously did, at last.

> I just went to your site and indeed there are new update for 2023.
> I will transfert it to mseuniverse demo.

You should have checked it first - it uses my "newdialogs" (for
placeability), and includes a slightly extended "msefontdialog" as its
main feature.

> But, appart to me, did you give the address of your site ?

You DO have it, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to access it, don't
you? Would you prefer if I made it accessible from my main site?

> I think you prefer not to make your site "public" so is difficult to
> follow your updates.

That's why I always write a message to the list after a change. Sadly,
this time these messages don't seem to have gotten through, and that's
why I asked again.

> I understand that you dont want to be a Github user but it would be much
> easir for everybody if you share your demo there.

That's not a problem - you're free to include it there, where and how ever
you deem it fitting.

> About your new demo of PostgresSQL, I have to install all the dependence
> for database server, I hope it will be more out-of-the-box than FireBird.

Don't hurry - it's by no means finished yet, just barely working by now.
And I did use PostgreSQL mainly bcause that's the database system a quite
important (tax) application I use requires, prompting me to use it for
several other things as well.
Getting it installed shouldn't be too difficult, and setting up a database
should be easy as well. But getting it to know and use in full is a
different thing. There are a number of - mostly trivial - tutorials, but
there's also a very complete manual available from its developers. It
originanted at the University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science
Department <http://db.cs.berkeley.edu/papers>, where you can find some
stuff about it.
Sadly, I don't remenber where I got my (.pdf) manual from, maybe it was
from the development site, <https://www.postgresql.org/> directly.

you wrote on Sat, 2 Sep 2023 04:56:32 +0000:

> About your problem with floating point formats, I need to jump into
> database-postgress, I will do asap.

As stated above, don't hurry. I mentioned that only, in case someone else
might already have noticed the problem, taken care of it and perhaps even
found a reliable solution, or work-around. It's probabely not even really
relevant for a specific application that uses fields of well known data
types, but as I wanted to write a "universal" browser, I have to find a
way to get it going without such prior knowledge.

> But it seems that the project mOMot2. that uses fpc, is very complete and
> they have some "workaround" for missing fpc things. When I am a few more

Thank you for the information, I will certainly study it. Just have to get
its data first.

> Of course, I would be good too to ask it to fpc forum (but I dont have

Yes, this seems to arise from a limitation of fpc, probabely caused by the
development and diversification of PostgreSQL - they might have implemented
just the neccessary support to make it going mostly, while their focus
probabely was more at mysql / mariadb.
But, as I also wrote, I'm planning to try to port it to sqlite too,
although that's quite different in its basics, i.e. "database" definition
and management.
And, after all, don't hurry, you got suffient other work to do. And I / we
definitely don't want you to go Martin's way off the project...

Have a nice time, and stay well and healthy!

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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