> >When I wrote this, I tried it with the FM-PAC in slot 1. Now I got
> >myself a slotexpander, so I put the FM-PAC in the slotexpander (slot 2-1
> >it was). Now Athler Wars 2 does NOT crash, but it totally ignores the
> >FM-PAC! Other software works fine with the FM-PAC in both slots...
> Maybe AW2 does not have proper search routines for the FM-PAC. If it looks
> only in primary slots and not in sub slots, that explains why it is not
> seen. If that is true, it wouldn't detect the internal MSX-MUSIC in a turbo
> R either.

Indeed, I tested it on Erik Maas' Turbo R, and it was without FM music. But 
why did it crash with the FM PAC in slot 1 then???

> I think there may be a way to make your SCC work even in a slot expander.
> What about this little assembly program:
>       org     #C000
>       ld      a,SLOT_ID
>       ld      h,#80
>       call    #0024
>       ld      a,(#F342)
>       ld      h,#80
>       call    #0024
>       ret
> (untested - someone please verify this)
> 10 SL = 2: SB = 1: 'SCC slot and subslot
> 20 AD = &HC000: RESTORE 60
> 30 READ H$:IF H$<>"*" THEN POKE AD,VAL("&H"+H$):AD=AD+1:GOTO 30
> 40 POKE &HC001,&H80 + SB*4 + SL
> 50 DEFUSR=&HC000:A=USR(0)
> 60 DATA 3E,00,26,80,CD,24,00,3A,42,F3,26,80,CD,24,00,C9,*
> 70 'rest of crack loader
> Hope this helps!

Hey, this sounds good! I'll test it this weekend. So, if I put this program in 
the AUTOEXEC.BAS of all my Konami-disks (with the cracks on 'em), they will 
all find the SCC?

Thanks man!

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See: http://www.faq.msxnet.org)
PPS: Visit my homepage at http://www.sci.kun.nl/marie/home/manuelbi 

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