MT Summit VIII,
              Santiago de Compostela, Spain,
                    18-22 September 2001

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
invites you to participate in the Eighth "Machine Translation
Summit" which is being held in Santiago de Compostela, 
Galicia, Spain from the 18th to the 22nd September 2001.
The MT Summit conferences bring together the global MT 
community to review the state of the art of machine 
translation, computer-aided translation support
tools and multilingual tools, both in the commercial 
world and in the research sphere. It is a unique opportunity
to learn about the latest developments in the field, for
researchers, users and vendors to exchange experiences
and to get valuable feedback, and for meeting others
involved in this technology.
There will be a full programme of papers, presentations 
by invited speakers, panel sessions, exhibitions,
demonstrations, and workshops (on the day preceding
the conference and on the final day). There will be 
excursions, a banquet and a folk music performance,
and also some activities for spouses and partners
of delegates.

The conference is taking place in Santiago de Compostela
in North West Spain(Galicia), famous as a pilgrimage
destination since the early Middle Ages, a city full of
ancient buildings, from its eleventh-century cathedral to
its seventeenth and eighteenth century houses, convents
and palaces. The old town has been listed as a 'world
heritage city' by Unesco. The venue for the conference
is the Hostal de los Reyes Católicos (Hostal dos Reis
Católicos), originally founded in 1499 as a Royal hospital
for pilgrims, a magnificent building in the Spanish
Renaissance style. It is now both the oldest and one
of the most impressive hotels in the world. The opening
session and the banquet will take place in the Comedor
Real, other sessions will be in the hotel's auditorium and
other rooms, and the exhibition and demonstrations will be
housed in the Chapel. The opening reception will take place
in the Pazo de Raxoi (City Council), an 18th century
building next to the Hostal.

Santiago de Compostela is a major tourist centre attracting
many visitors throughout the year. We have reserved
accommodation in the Hostal itself and in a number of
hotels close by (many restored 17th and 18th century
buildings). All except one are within walking distance
of the Hostal venue. (A bus will be provided for the Hotel
Puerta del Camino). Because of the high demand for
hotel rooms in Santiago and the substantial deposits, we
ask for about half the full hotel charge when booking, and
we encourage you to book early to be certain of
your preference.

For details of the hotels, excursions and workshops see
the MT Summit website ( or
send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration should preferably be made via the MT Summit
website. Alternatively, you may ask for a registration form
       Carlos Paz (MT Summit Registration),
       Service de Traduction, European Commission,
       Rue de la Loi 200 - JECL 4/200,
       B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
       (Fax: +32-2-296.59.68; Telephone: +32-2-296.05.59;
       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Tuesday, 18 September
        Workshops, welcome reception, opening of exhibitions
Wednesday, 19 September
        opening session, first day of conference
Thursday, 20 September
        Second day of conference
Friday, 21 September
        Third day of conference, IAMT general assembly, folk
               music entertainment
Saturday, 22 September
        Workshops, excursion to Coruna, special panel,
Sunday, 23 September
        Excursion to southern Galicia and northern Portugal

The registration fees for the conference (19-22 September) are:
                           IAMT members*   Non-members
   Before 15 May             Euro 250       Euro 285
   After 15 May,
     before 15 July          Euro 275       Euro 325
   After 15 July             Euro 325       Euro 375
* members of the Asia-Pacific Association for Machine
Translation (AAMT), Association for Machine Translation
in the Americas (AMTA), European Association for
Machine Translation (EAMT)

One Euro is approximately 0.90 US dollar.

Note: The conference fees do not include meals, but there
are numerous good-value restaurants nearby in the city,
which you will have opportunity to enjoy during the

     Before 15 July:
               75% of the registration fee will be refunded
     After 15 July and before 1 September:
               50% of the registration fee will be refunded
    After 1 September:
                no refunds.

Exhibition space will be provided in the Chapel of the
Hostal for up to 25 companies and will be active throughout
the conference. Fees for exhibitors will be Euro 1200 (or
Euro 1000 for early applicants). Contact Joerg Schuetz
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for details, or look at the Summit
website (

WORKSHOPS [for more details see Summit website]
Tuesday 18 September                                fee
        Towards a Roadmap for MT (half day)         Euro 25
                  Organiser: Steven Krauwer
        Machine interpretation and machine translation:
           different evaluation methods for different systems?
                (half day)                          Euro 25
                  Organiser: Susanne Jekat
        Example-based machine translation
                 (full day)                         Euro 50
                 Organiser: Andrew Way
Saturday 22 September
        Teaching machine translation (all day)      Euro 50
                 Organisers: Mikel Forcada and Derek Lewis
        Interlinguas and interlingual approaches to MT
            (Fifth Interlingua workshop)(all day)   Euro 50
                 Organisers: David Farwell and
                     Steven Helmreich
        MT evaluation: who did what to whom
                 (Fourth ISLE workshop) (all day)   Euro 50
                 Organisers: Ed Hovy, Maghi King,
                    Sandra Manzi and Florence Reeder

OPEN MEETING on terminology exchange and synchronization
          (SALT, OSCAR, OLIF),
           Saturday 22 Sept (all day)               Euro 50
        [for more information see]

Iberia Airlines is offering participants a 25% discount (or
more) on  many of its flights (for details see: On registration you will be
sent a password, in order to take advantage of this offer.

        John Hutchins (general chair): EAMT/IAMT president
        Bente Maegaard (programme chair)
        Joerg Schuetz (exhibitions)
        Harold Somers (workshops)
        Carlos Paz (registration and local arrangements)
        Anthony Clarke (finance): EAMT treasurer
        Viggo Hansen (publicity): EAMT secretary
        Colin Brace (website)

  For MT-List info, see

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