Please pass this notice to anyone who may be interested.
Replies should be made to Michael Anobile<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE:     Multilingual Content Creation Survey Sponsorship

LISA and OSCAR are looking for help to promote an Industry Survey that
will educate the international business community concerning the costs,
markets, challenges and outlook associated with multilingual content
creation and localization.

Multilingual content authoring and content localization (i.e., content
creation) can be considered as "two sides of the same coin"-- high
quality information, which is delievered in our customers preferred
language. Today, however, due to different technical environments,
workflows and user preferences-- content creation is not being
efficiently managed. 

The survey's goal is to analyze content creation in the context of
global business requirements so that greater synergy between the
processes, the technologies, the clients and their service partners will
result. The survey addresses all aspects of content creation in terms of
current and future practices. The results of this survey will include
market and application data, content revenues and costs, user opinions
and forcasts regarding workflow technology and trends. 

The survey will run in September 2002, and selected results will be
presented at the LISA Forum Europe 2002 in Heidelberg (see below for
details). The survey is being driven by OSCAR, LISA's standards group
for 'Open Standards for Container/Content Allowing Re-use' and supported
by the MultiLingual Technology Group at SAP AG, the title Sponsor for
the LISA Forum Europe. The Survey will be distributed to over 15,000
companies. The final results will be available in November.

There are several ways to help support the Survey.

1. Sponsorship of USD $1,500.00 entitles you to a banner advert on the
survey Web page/company recognition on all survey announcements, receive
the raw data/answers to the survey, and company logo is listed as a
sponsor in the final report/publication.

2. Promote the survey on your own Web site with link to the

3. Promote the survey to your partners or customers (e.g. in electronic
mail, newsletters, etc.)

4. Participate in the survey

The pricing scheme for the survey's final report is valid as follows.
When the survey is:
- completed and ordered same day@  - USD $150.00
- completed by LISA member@        - USD $225.00 company $275.00
- not completed by LISA member@    - USD $295.00 company $375.00
- non-member completed survey@     - USD $295.00 company $375.00
- public purchase@                 - USD $495.00 company $595.00

The survey and the proceeds collected will be used to:

- Sponsor OSCAR activities
- Feature standards sessions and education programs at LISA events
- Help LISA organize similar projects in collaboration with other
standards organizations

Please let us know by August 30, 2002 if you agree to support the
survey, and how. A SAMPLE of the survey is available at

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss the
project in more detail.

Thank you and best regards,

Daniel Grasmick, OSCAR Chair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mike Anobile, LISA Director <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
About LISA
The Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) is the premier
organization for the GILT (Globalization, Internationalization,
Localization, and Translation) business communities. Consisting of over
200 leading IT companies, solutions providers, and an increasing number
of vertical market corporations with an internationally focused
strategy, LISA provides best practice, business guidelines, and
multilingual communication standards for translation and localization
workflow, and enterprise globalization. LISA initiatives, conferences,
and training programs help companies implement cost-effective
international business models.

Web Site:

About the LISA Forum Europe 2002
The topic of the LISA Forum Europe 2002 is 'Standards in Localization
and Translation- Multilingual Content Creation, Workflow Management,
Web-Services and your Company's ROI'. The Forum takes place November
4-7, 2002 at the Marriott Hotel in Heidelberg, Germany.

Web Site: 


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