Dear Hanne Fersøe and MT-list,

Thank you for alerting me to this. I have looked at the
Stargate website and found that they are selling Universal
Translator at $249.95 (it seems to be their only product). From
the look of the package and the languages covered it would seem
to be identical to the system sold previously by LanguageForce.
There is rather a steep price increase -- from $39 (December 2000)
to $249 ! but I doubt that the content is any different.

John Hutchins
19 June

Maybe I can be of help here.

At CST we receive electronic marketing material from a Nordic reseller
(or maybe they are also producers) from time to time. Currently they are
called [EMAIL PROTECTED], previously they were called Team Work Nordic. They both
seem to be or have been located in Norway. The e-mail address sending
the latest information (received on June 10th this year) was
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The marketing letter offers a reduced price 498, - kr.
(ordinary price 2,990 kr.). There is a reference to where you may order your copy.
We never conducted a systematic test, but we have tried out a few
things, and I can safely say that our impression is very much the same
as John Hutcins's.

Hanne Fersøe<

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