Dear Mike Corradi,

I think it is very unlikely that you will find electronic versions of
these papers. I have photocopies of a number of Russian papers
from the period. Let me know which ones you want and I can
photocopy them for you.

Best wishes,
John Hutchins

PS. You might find my 1986 book on the history of MT of some use
to you. It is now all available (as PDF files) on my website at


>Dear All, 

I am currently working on my thesis at the University of Parma, it is on MT
with particular reference to Italian and Russian. At the moment I am
working on a short history section and I am looking for material on the
Russian situation from the fifties on. In particular papers by Panov, by
Mel'chuk  by Zhirkov and by Bel'skaja. I am having a bit of trouble finding
these and other authors writings. Can anyone point out where I can find
electronic versions perhaps?

Thank you

Mike Corradi<

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