European Association for Machine Translation

        Workshop, Malta, 26-27 April 2004

              MISSED THE DEADLINE?

It is not too late. We are leaving the door open for
last minute submissions until the end of this week
(31 January). Remember that extended abstracts will 
be accepted.


The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) will be holding its
Ninth Workshop in Malta on 26-27 April 2004. The meeting is one of a series
of annual workshops acting as a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning
all aspects of  machine translation within the European and adjacent
regions. (For information about previous workshops see the EAMT website: As in previous EAMT workshops, contributions will be
particularly welcomed from developers, vendors and users of MT systems and
translation aids. 

The SPECIAL THEME for this workshop will be machine-translation-related
issues concerning 
* Semitic languages,
* Languages of the newly accessioned states of the European Union.

Papers on machine translation systems and computer-based translation aids
relating to these languages will be of particular interest. 

However, papers relating to other aspects of machine translation, and other
languages, will also be considered such as:

* Translation Memories
* Web-based MT services 
* Issues for developers and users of MT and translation aids 
* Economic aspects of MT
* Evaluation of MT systems 

SUBMISSION of papers:

We invite submissions as either extended abstracts (minimum 2 pages) or as
full papers (maximum 10 pages). Submissions should be sent before 25th
January 2004, by email as attachments in DOC, RTF, or plain text, to the
chairman John Hutchins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), with the words 'EAMT
2004 Workshop' in the subject heading). 

Notification of acceptance will be made on or before 15 February, together
with any comments from reviewers for revision.


Final versions of papers (maximum 10 pages, DOC or RTF files) should be
sent for inclusion in the proceedings before 12th March. (Any papers
received after that date will not be included in the printed proceedings).
A stylesheet for accepted submissions will be available in due course on
the EAMT website.

It is anticipated that papers will be made available in electronic form on
the EAMT website after the conference -- for this purpose, authors may also
send PDF or PS versions of their papers.

John Hutchins (chair, EAMT president)
Michael Rosner (University of Malta)
Anthony Clarke (CLS Corporate Language Services)
Jaro Lajovic (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Mustafa Yaseen (University of Amman)
Jan Hajic (Charles University, Prague)
Violetta Cavalli-Sforza (San Francisco State University)

VENUE, registration:

Details about the venue in MALTA, registration fees, hotel accommodation,
etc. will be circulated from mid January or early February. Full details,
including a list of all speakers and an online registration form, will be
posted on the EAMT website ( in early March. Local
arrangements organiser is Mike Rosner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) from whom
further details can be obtained.


Deadline for submissions: 25 January 2004
Acceptance notification: 15 February 2004
Final copies due: 12 March 2004
Registration: early March 2004
Conference dates: 26-27 April 2004

  For MT-List info, see

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