Announcing the launch of "Machine Translation Archive".

I have started to compile a repository of electronic versions
of articles and other publications in the field of machine
translation. Initially, most will be publications since 2000 and
mainly in conference proceedings; but there are already publications
from earlier years (mainly 1990s and mainly non-journal
publications). More will be added in due course. In particular
I shall try to cover items appearing before 1990 which are still 
cited widely or are difficult to obtain (some already included).

You can see the first results at:

At present the physical location and structure of the repository
is not satisfactory. I am looking for a (preferably free) site
for the archive, with capacity of 300MB or more. Any offers
or suggestions?

In general I would welcome assistance from everyone -- such
as suggestions of items for inclusion, sources of electronic versions, 
help in scanning older materials, etc. The aim is to create a one-stop
source for MT publications.

Please take a visit and let me have comments and suggestions 
at my address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Hutchins
14 May

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