MT Summit XV

              The Fifteenth MT Summit Conference
                        Hosted by AMTA:
     The Association for Machine Translation in the Americas

             Hyatt Regency Miami Hotel, Miami, Florida
                   October 30 - November 3, 2015



The Fifteenth MT Summit conference, hosted on behalf of the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT) by the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) will be held at the Hyatt Regency Miami Hotel in Miami Florida, from Friday, October 30 through Tuesday, November 3, 2015. MT Summit XV is collocated and will take place immediately prior to the 56st Annual Conference of the American Translators Association (ATA), also taking place at the Hyatt Regency, November 4-7. The two conferences are coordinating program content around joint topics of interest. These are designed to deepen MT researchers' and developers' understanding of the needs of the commercial translation industry and human translators, while also fostering translators' understanding of modern MT technology and the role of advanced translation automation in enterprise globalization and commercial translation processes.

In addition to a research track, the main MT Summit conference program will also include presentation tracks for government and commercial users of MT and a "Technology Showcase" of commercial and research-stage MT technology. Tutorials and workshops will be held on Friday, October 30 and on Tuesday, November 3.

Alon Lavie
General Chair, MT Summit XV
President, International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT)


Call for MT Research Papers at MT Summit XV

Contacts: Yaser Al-Onaizan, William Lewis (

MT Summit XV solicits original research papers that will advance the field of Machine Translation. We seek submissions across the entire spectrum of MT-related research activity. Submissions must be unpublished, and in English.

Important dates:
Submission deadline: Monday June 29
Notification of acceptance:  Monday, August 3
Final “camera-ready” versions:  Monday, September 7

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Advances in various MT paradigms: data-driven, rule-based, and hybrids
- MT applications and embedding: translation/localization aids, speech-to-speech, speech-to-text, OCR, MT for communication (chats, blogs, social networks), multilingual applications, etc.
- Technologies for MT deployment: quality estimation and domain adaptation
- MT in special settings: low resources, massive resources, high volume, low computing resources
- Human factors in MT and user interfaces for MT
- Linguistic resources for MT: dictionaries, terminology banks, corpora
- MT evaluation techniques and evaluation results
- Empirical studies on translation data

If you have research software that you would like to show, you may also consider submitting a proposal for the MT Summit Technology Showcase. See the “Call for MT Technology Demonstrations and Exhibits” on the conference website. [Coming Soon]

Submission Instructions:
Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages plus 4 (four) pages for references. All papers should follow the formatting instructions included with the style files, and should be submitted in PDF. Latex, PDF and MS Word style files will be available soon: mtsummit2015.dotx mtsummit2015.pdf

To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author names and affiliations within the paper and avoid obvious self-references.

Papers must be submitted to the START system by 11:59 pm PDT (GMT – 7 hours), Monday June 29, 2015.

Multiple Submissions:
Papers presented at MT Summit XV must represent new work that has not been previously published. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to inform the program chairs of any potential problem with respect to this requirement. Authors submitting a similar paper both to MT Summit XV and another conference or workshop must inform the program chairs by email (, specifying to which other conference or workshop they are submitting their work. If the paper is accepted and presented at MT Summit XV, then it must be withdrawn from other conferences and workshops.


Call for Commercial MT User and Translator Presentations at MT Summit XV

Contacts: Steve Richardson and Mike Dillinger (

The Commercial Users and Translators track will focus on how MT helps individual translators, Language Service Providers, and enterprise users deliver their products and services more effectively. Submissions should report on the use of MT to support business goals and serve customer needs in commercial settings by integrating it with other processes and technologies.

Example MT use cases include supplying on-demand localization, providing technical support information in multiple languages, and enabling global consumer-to-consumer transactions. Example products and services include MT integration with translator productivity tools, cloud-based MT services for integration with other web and mobile applications, and customization and deployment of MT engines for specific needs. See more possible topics below.

Important dates:
Submissions due: Monday, June 29
Notification of acceptance: Monday, July 13
Final “camera-ready” versions due: Monday, August 31

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Use of MT as a translator productivity tool: benefits, challenges, training requirements
- Methods for obtaining and using post-editor productivity data
- Quality evaluation and pricing methods for MT post-editing services
- Integrating MT into the localization program lifecycle
- Integrating MT with source content analysis and classification tools
- Integrating MT with web and mobile applications, such as social media
- Integrating MT into CAT tools
- Use of MT for publishing “noisy” source content types (user generated content, consumer–to-consumer communications, support web sites) - Static and real-time domain adaptation and change management of MT systems in commercial deployments - Use of MT to address global enterprise “big data” requirements such as web analytics
- Use of MT for cross-language search
- Use of MT in crowd-sourced translation environments
- Business applications of speech-to-speech MT
- Return on Investment (ROI) analysis of MT in commercial settings

What to submit:
Please submit a 250 to 500-word abstract describing your presentation to the Commercial MT Users Chairs ( by 11:59 pm PDT (GMT – 7 hours), Monday, June 29, 2015.

If you have any questions, you can ask the Program Chairs at this same email address.

Ideal presentations will describe how MT helps to address a specific business challenge, with an objective assessment of its strengths and weaknesses for that particular challenge, supported by quantitative measures.

Submissions should not contain commercial solicitations of specific tools. If you have original software that you would like to show, you may also consider submitting a proposal for free space in the MT Summit Technology Showcase. See the “Call for MT Technology Demonstrations and Exhibits” on the conference website [coming soon].

Please indicate whether you intend to submit your presentation for publication in the MT Summit XV Conference Proceedings. Publication in the Conference Proceedings is not a requirement, but we strongly suggest that you make your presentation available so other people can learn from your experiences. If you want to have your presentation published as part of the Proceedings, it is preferred that you format it according to the Research track submission guidelines (See Call for MT Research Papers for details). However, slide decks or extended abstracts may also be accepted.


Call for Government MT User Presentations at MT Summit XV

Contact: Jen Doyon (

Government users are encouraged to contribute to MT Summit 2015 by submitting proposals for this year’s conference that pertain to the research, development and operational use of MT and MT-related technologies in government settings.

Important dates:
Submission deadline: Monday July 13
Notifications of acceptance: Monday August 27
Final “camera-ready” versions: Monday September 7

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Use of MT as a translator tool
- Use of MT as an analyst tool
- Use of MT in chats, blogs and social networks
- Non-traditional uses of MT
- MT post-editing
- MT evaluation
- MT research and development
- MT case studies
- Linguistic resources for MT
- MT tool integration

What to submit:
Submissions should be 250-500 word abstracts. The following should accompany each abstract submission:
Presentation Title
Presenter Name
Representing Organization
Email Address
Phone Number

All accepted submissions will be allotted 30 minute time slots. While not mandatory, presenters wishing to have their submissions published in the MT Summit Proceedings are required to produce papers in accordance with the MT Research Track Submission Instructions found in the Call for MT Research Papers. Presenters are advised to obtain the broadest level of release of their presentations and papers in their approval/release process in order to facilitate sharing and distribution.

If you have original software that you would like to show, you may also consider submitting a proposal for the MT Summit technology showcase. See the “Call for MT Technology Demonstrations and Exhibits” on the conference website. [Coming soon.]

How to submit:
Please email your abstract to the Government MT Users Chair ( by Monday, July 13, 2015.


Alon Lavie | Research Professor
Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Phone:  412-268-5655

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