Apologies for any duplicates.


*Translating and the Computer 2016 (TC38)*
*17 and 18 November 2016, London, UK*
*Call for Proposals (**Deadline extended to July 13th**)*

So much is happening in the language industry today with new technologies
offering innovative ways of focusing on communicating better. On 17 and 18
November 2016, AsLing provides a unique opportunity to have your say at the
38th edition of the annual Translating and the Computer Conference (TC38)
in London.

TC38 is a key date in the diary precisely because it draws together
“bridge-builders” from many different countries, backgrounds and
professions. An annual event where translators, researchers and business
people, from translation companies, international organisations,
universities and research labs, meet with freelance professionals and tool
developers to exchange ideas and discuss latest trends. It offers an
excellent occasion to engage with stakeholders from all areas of the
translation world.

The conference takes the form of presentations and posters and also
features panel discussions and workshops on for example quality procedures,
workflow, terminology, interpreting. If you or a colleague have something
to contribute, please submit an abstract.  See *Submission guidelines* on
the website (http://www.asling.org/tc38/?page_id=40) and*submit your
proposals for either a paper, poster or workshop* using the START system at
https://www.softconf.com/g/tc2016/ .

*Conference topics*
Contributions are invited on any topic related to the technology used in
translation and interpreting, including, but not limited to:

   - Translation Memory (TM) systems
   - Terminology Management
   - Machine Translation (training, quality assessment, post-editing,
   - Tools and resources for interpreters
   - Quality Control
   - Interoperability
   - Crowd-sourcing
   - Natural Language Processing
   - Translation Workflow and Management
   - Training (including university translation programmes and ongoing
   professional training)
   - How to facilitate collaboration between translator and translation
   - Translation Workflow and Management
   - Cloud systems
   - Mobile technologies in support of translators

For further information and regular updates please refer to the website
or contact: submissi...@asling.org

*13 July 2016 - *deadline for abstracts of papers and posters
*8 August 2016 -* all authors notified of decisions
*30 September 2016 - *speakers' full papers and posters to be submitted for
inclusion in the e-proceedings
*4 November 2016 -* speakers’ presentations to be submitted
*17-18 November 2016 -* conference takes place in London

*Conference Chairs*
João Esteves-Ferreira, Tradulex, International Association for Quality
Juliet Macan, Language technology consultant
Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton
Olaf-Michael Stefanov, United Nations (ret), JIAMCATT

*Programme Committee*
Juanjo Arevalillo, Hermes Traducciónes
David Chambers, World Intellectual Property Organization (ret)
Gloria Corpas Pastor, University of Málaga
Sarah Griffin-Mason, Institute of Translation and Interpreting
Joanna Drugan, University of East Anglia
David Filip, CNGL / ADAPT
Bruno Pouliquen, World Intellectual Property Organization
Paola Valli, TAUS and University of Trieste
Nelson Verástegui, International Telecommunications Union (ret)
David Verhofstadt, International Atomic Energy Agency


Thanks & Regards,
*Rohit Gupta*

*Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, EXPERT Project*Research Group in
Computational Linguistics
Research Institute of Information and Language Processing
University of Wolverhampton
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