On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 06:07:23 +0100, Björn Krombholz wrote:

On 1/7/06, Schika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The problem I currently have:
* A release year is known - but not the country. The current situation
don't allows me to enter this.

Right, this would translate into the tuple (YEAR, unknown) and not
(YEAR, EU) (even if you know, the country is part of the EU).

* A release country is known - but not the correct year. The current
situation don't allows me to enter this.

This would be (unknown, COUNTRY) which has nothing to do with EU at
all, but is part of the same problem.

Is this the basis of a reliable database? I don't think so.

The first to cases could be solved by adding "unknown" as valid values
to both year and country.

Yes, Yes, and Yes again.

If there are CDs out there of which the release date is known but not the country, and vice versa, then a reliable database should be able to store exactly that.

What was the inital reason for the design decision to require both country and date? Why cannot one be unknown?

Would this induce _any_ problems? I don't see any.


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