On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 03:34:37 +0100, Robert Kaye wrote:

Mr. Secretary: Thank you for accepting this new job -- the stage is yours!

OK, I will not do long talks now. Let's get things done.

What currently works well is the community on mb-syle: *You*. You are not abolished at all, you are the ones that make things work, you discuss style issues, you reach consensus (sometimes :-) ).
So we keep that. Therefore, the first rule is:
(1) Decisions about style issues should be made by the Style Community on mb-style. That community has no formal organization.

What also seems to work reasonably well is the trac thingie. From our current practice I thus conlude two other rules: (2) If you do not want a stlye issue to be forgotten, enter it as a "Style Issue" ticket in trac.
(3) If you want a style issue to be fixed, do the work yourself.

This last point needs some clarification: You will need an affirmative nod from the Secretary, as you previously needed one from Tarragon. I will check a couple of conditions, like:
 - Has the community reached consensus?
- Have the points on the ChecklistForStyleChanges been checked (Yes, I know this page does not exist yet, I'll have to dig Tarragons mail up and wikify it).
 - No objections from the elder?
If these conditions are met, I will give you an "OK" and you can proceed. This gives us:
(4) You need an OK from the secretary before you change anything official.

If you put the sentence "Need OK from Secretary" in the body of your email, I will filter it, and you can be sure that I don't miss it. If you summarise the answers to the above questions, the OK will come _much_ quicker than if I have to find this out by myself. Also please include a link to the trac ticket.

Finally I want to disempower myself:
(5) If you are unhappy with a decision of the Secretary, publicly call upon the Elder. Similarily, if no consensus can be reached the Secretary calls upon the Elder

This means that if I have overlooked some dissensus, you can stop me, and the matter gets passed over to Robert. Also, if I cannot keep a neutral point of view: Slap me! :-).

That's enough rules for now. They are not new, they mostly clarify the actual _working_ practice of this community. I'll set up more rules as we need them, not earlier.

So, now you can get going: If you want to fix something, request an OK from me.
Hope to get things rolling!


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