Don Redman wrote:
Under this view a "cover" is taken in a very broad sense as a work based on another. Parody is then an adjective, describing that it is based on it in a porodying way.

I would suggest to make the _intention_ to humorously reinterpret a song (of another artist). I know some songs which are intended to be parodies, but still many people would not consider them parodies.

I am not sure, whether there is consensus to move the MedleyRelationshipType into cover as well. Under the view described above it could make sense, but I see reasons to leave it as it is. Can I have some more oppinions _on_this_aspect_ please?

I would leave "medley" as it is, because a cover necessarily is on music by another artist, while a medley not necessarily is. A cover and a medley might be related close enough to group them together, but in my opinion they are not equal.

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