> are we getting anywhere with this one? as far as i know no 
> guidelines (either new or amendments to BoxSetNameStyle) have 
> come of it, and the problem is still as it was before.

I actually don't see it as a problem. Having the duplicates in the database
until we can change the schema of the database makes sense.

> i still maintain my position that we currently index by 
> tracklist, not product. 

If that were the case, we wouldn't have allowed the numerous duplicates
already in the database.

> until label/cat# support appears, i 
> don't see the logic in creating seperate entries for 
> boxset/bonus releases of the same album.

We do capture this in annotations now. While I agree it's not that useful in
it's current form.

> this IMO is consistant with the current BoxSetNameStyle, and 
> just the general 'feel' of the db.

I don't see that as an argument to do away with the duplicate entries, only
the method in which to name the discs. We made a change to the database a
while back to explicitly allow for some of these duplicates.

> and it's my personal opinion that i'd much rather tag by the 'master'
> release, rather than give it an overlong irrelevant title, 
> just because it was a freebie with something else. i think 
> i'd even go as far as giving the proper title for albums 
> packaged together on the same disc, depending on what track 
> was currently being tagged, but that's a whole new kettle of fish :)

I completely disagree with the idea of a "master" release. 

I won't re-list the numerous examples of why these duplicates are necessary
since they have already been posted and I'm sure you've read them all but I
will say that if a duplicate disc of the same tracklist appears in a
subsequent release that has it's own title, catalog and release date, it is
a unique release. 
> maybe this issue has no chance of reaching consensus anyway :)

I'm clearly on the opposing side of your argument and since I don't see how
a small amount of duplication hurts the database and how merging such data
will lead to lost data, I will continue to be so.

Cristov (wolfsong)

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