
This is a copy of a post I made to the Users list; I got only an
answer there, perhaps here I'll be more successful:

I just came upon a couple of mod-sprees adding lots of "fan-site" ARs
to a single artist.


I don't remember ever seeing anything about this in the guidelines,
but it does seem excessive. Previous mods/votes I've seen seemed to
reach a consensus of "just a couple" chosen by the rather vague
criteria of "beeing well done" (I use "preety" and "informative"), and
sometimes (for wikipedia) just English and $artistLanguage.

On the mods I linked above I see there are already many yes votes
(though by a couple of guys only), so it seems the consensus is not
very wide-reaching.

We should figure out what to do for such cases and spell it out
clearly in the guidelines and the AR description.

(Note that I don't take any position very tightly here; there are
probably thousands of sites for some known artists; I'm not on
principle against adding all of them, but: (1) it's going to be hell
to keep count of dead links and such; (2) the UI for that will
probably need to Google-size intelligence; (3) looking at a 100 links
long list (or even a dozen) is pretty useless for the users, and
they'll go to Google anyway. On the other hand, figuring out a couple
of reasonable rules is going to be tricky, but is both doable and

-- Bogdan Butnaru — [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.

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