On 04/05/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Chris Bransden wrote:
> d) x & x (bonus disc)
> - i'm inclined to go this way to be honest, and keep it simple.
> however we're losing title info here, but could it be argued that this
> is analogous to (bonus track) info that we drop?

IMO this is exactly the same as "Limited Edition" etc, which is already
covered by the SG. We usually don't add any album version info at all.

yep i agree, though i'm finding it harder to make the distinction these days :(


1) http://musicbrainz.org/album/d7838033-55fe-4fa4-949a-7bb96cc88839.html
was released as a 2 disc version -
and http://musicbrainz.org/album/d7cebc7d-b5b8-4821-bc6c-148481907b92.html
- so it's "tri repetae" and "tri repetae++" - the "++" is on the
cover, but i suppose it's version info and should be deleted?

2) http://musicbrainz.org/album/6d6cec89-77e0-4808-9f4a-3e2e946ed4e3.html
was re-released as a 2 disc version -
and http://musicbrainz.org/album/bd62b69e-6ee9-4b0e-b410-2736d4a4bde8.html
- but the 1st disc contains bonus tracks not on the original issue, so
should it's 'version info' stay? and is the second disc really a
'bonus disc' if it's standard with that particular version?

IMO 1) should be changed to 'x' and 'x (bonus disc)', and 2) should be
'x: version info' and 'x: version info (bonus disc)' but i'm having
trouble rationalising it to myself :P maybe if the version info
actually seperates this release from others in terms of content, it's
worth keeping? but then the same could be said for "(Japanese
version)" and we ditch that (rightly, IMO).


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