> Right now, we use the album titling scheme from 
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/DiscNumberStyle.  This seems "backwards"
> to me, as we won't be able to easily use this Disc Number or 
> Album Subtitle information easily with the tagger as it is 
> stored in a single line with the Album Title.  Shouldn't we 
> be storing this information (Album Subtitle and Disc Number) 
> in separate fields so we can easily manipulate it with newer 
> tagging programs?
> Many audio players, such as amaroK group albums with the same 
> title and separate multiple discs by the Disc Number tag.  We 
> can't enter this information because it is part of the Album 
> Title string and would probably be a pain to extract.
> Anyone agree?  I think we should store the Disc Number 
> separately, and group multiple-disc albums together using 
> AR's or some other method.
> We may be then tempted to write Album Titles in the format "Album
> Title: Album Subtitle" but I think that the Album Subtitle 
> should also be in a separate field (if possible).
> Comments?
> --
> -Aaron Cooper

Probably but it may be a while yet. Read the following to understand. 


Cristov (wolfsong)

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