Bogdan Butnaru wrote:
Perhaps. This is really a viewpoint issue: I see "sentence case" as
the least complex rule above "single case", "all-words initial" above
that (more complex), and a grammar-based style like in English above
(even more complex) both.

So, if we choose to write Latin with both cases (as it has been done
for centuries), it seems natural _to_me_ to use the simplest
adaptation for titles. Of course, the view above is personal, so I
admit this argument is not at all strong for any other view.

I agree, your proposal makes a short and easy rule. But what do you think would be easier to use? Considering several hundred or thousand of names and titles, and capitalizing a multitude thereof due to declension, or capitalizing everything but a rather small set of words?

As always, I don't trust Wikipedia enough not to double-check this. I'm also no sure about grammar.

After all, I'd like to suggest that we always use the case printed on the cover, unless it is (a) completely upper-case, (b) all lower-case or (c) inconsistently capitalized through releases / valid official sources. In this case we should consistently use the capitalization rule which is the easiest to use. This reflects the fact that there is no single official capitalization rule for Latin.



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