Don Redman wrote:
The choices are, in my opinion:
1) Use just one case (either lower case or upper case): I doubt
anyone supports this.
2) Use sentence-case (only first word capitalized):
3) Sentence case with proper nouns
4) Gramatical case (nouns and verbs, everything but prepositions or
everything but closed-class words, etc).
5) Every word capitalized.

I vote for 3. _IMO_ 1, 2 and 5 are over-simplifications, and 4 is not
"in the spirit of Latin", which really means I see no reason why we
should capitalize so much.

Just for completeness of the summary, derGraph proposes to use 4,
because it is more commonly used on the internet, and simpler or more
intuitive for the average user.  You attribute this commonness to the
capitalization rules of the "host language" (usually English in this

Of course my opinion is 3)

Just for your reference I report here some original documents. I think we should not stick to Cicero (who had in fact different rules but wrote nothing for music) and look to what was used for lyrics.

Mozart Requiem from his own hand
Requiem is quite peculiar since a lot of composers did one with the same words and there's a lot of entrìes of it in MB. Of course it's in sentence mode even if he was german. A source from curch

A gregorian missal Hildegard von Bingen

A bunch of work form various composers tough not original, it shows how credited people treat latin.

I'm sure we could go on and find that almost all classical music latin is managed this way.


MArco (ClutchEr2)

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