On 6/18/06, Bogdan Butnaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd say (supposing the above are correct) that applying the same rules
to net releases would mean they are "worldwide" releases almost every
time. I have seen things released on the net that are NOT available
everywhere: for example, I've seen some things on iTunes that were not
sold in France (in that particular case, it was an episode of some
show, I think, but I'm sure it's possible for songs too). In that
case, that would be a US release.

Here's another example - NOT iTunes related:
When I posted a release from the russian Mastik netlabel at my
Netlabel blog, a while back, I got replies that some users can't
access this site. Simular replies I got from discogs moderators, when
I was going to add a release there with the label URL in the modnote:

I never had any problems to connect this site (from Germany). However,
the label uploaded the releases to archive.org ->
http://www.archive.org/details/mastik <- also, but in the very first
place all download links pointed to their server.

If I'm wrong, can we try to make a clear statement regarding "what is
the 'release country' field for?"

yes please.

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