On Jul 7, 2006, at 6:47 AM, joan WHITTAKER wrote:

You already know my opinion on this, but to reiterate it, I definitely think that project should be added and as we have already discussed this at some length, then it should be taken to the Request for Veto stage.

Ooops. We screwed the pooch. It turns out that the 'project' artist type was put up on test, but it was not removed before we did a release. Now we have four artists that have been marked as 'project'. :-(

I did not mean to circumvent the process here -- I do apologize.

Please advise if I should:

1. reset the four artists to unknown and remove the project type from the live server or
2. don't sweat it and call it a done deal or
3. Have the RFV now and if a veto appears, I will do #1.

Sorry for the hassle.


--ruaok      Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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