On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 12:13:00AM +0200, Mangled wrote:
> >Personally I much prefer standard sentence case because it's much
> >simpler
> Being "simpler" doesn't make it "good", or even "better".  Argument
> discarded, says the prosecutor :D

When did I say that it makes it good or better? I simply stated my

> Because definite articles are not indefinite articles.

That's just stating what I said with bigger words. Why do definite articles
make words capitalised and not indefinite artciles?

> >Furthermore, I don't recall seeing any new add release edits where the
> >capitalisation was correct by our current guidelines
> Me neither, as I don't enter french releases, and I don't vote a lot.
> Still, I know I fixed quite a few, and I know there are other moderators
> actually fixing them.
> Again, to me, the fact some/most people don't read/understand/follow
> guidelines doesn't proove these rules are essentially wrong.

I didn't say that the rules are wrong. However, there is no point in
deciding on rules that nobody except a couple of people use.

> I would say most of them are entered English-style, and 90% of the time
> are simply murdered (accents are the first victim).

I had a look through 50 recent French albums, there were 30 sentence caps,
17 English style and 3 with just the important words capitalised. The only
ones added using the current guidelines were a couple by you and azertus.
Are you planning on editing every single French album that gets added?

> >Also, because of its complexity,
> Once again: I don't see any complexity in them, and everybody I asked
> (including these wanting to remove them) perfectly understand them.  So I
> think this point is moot: they are *not* complex.

and who did you ask? You didn't ask me and I don't perfectly understand them.

Of course you don't find them hard, you're a native speaker and you like
these rules. They're still complex in that they require knowledge of the
language and its grammar. When deciding whether a word is capitalised
depends on its function and position in a sentence, whether the title
starts with specific words and whether it conains verbs or not. That's a
lot of things to consider when nearly all the others are simply "is this a
name? if yes, capitalise it" or "is this a word from a short list of
joining words? if yes, lowercase it".

> Don't cap if it's a verbal phrase.  If it match one of the two simple
> schemes, and you can identify grammar function of the words, just cap'em
> ;)
> Oh, well, forget about it - just drop me a mail when you need some :p

Guess I won't bother fixing any French titles then. Oh well, more work for

I really think we should be choosing something sensible, in that people are
likely to actually use it. You already know that many French albums are a
mess, but by choosing these guidelines we're making it so that everything
except what a couple of people have edited is a mess.

> Mmmm, so I guess the next victim will be german? hey, Shep! ;)

There's one big difference, German just uses normal sentence
capitalisation, it just so happens that nouns are always capitalised, title
or not.


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