2006/7/28, Frederic Da Vitoria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Yes, you are right, Beth. See, just 5 minutes and I found a question
to ask to Olivier :-D

Apart from following the example of La Pléiade, what arguments do you
bring in favor of the (in)famous exception (which you don't want to
call an exception, but humor me)? Or would rather, how would you
explain that MB must enforce this rule? Could we not just say: "both
ways are acceptable"?

Speaking about bookshelves, which are pretty subjective (and MB is not
about litterature anyway, as it was cleverly pointed out previously
[was it by bogdan?]):
no french publisher right in their mind would *ever* just follow
*sentence case*.
They follow different schemes, true, there is debate (our national
sport), true, there is no consensus (a consensus, in France? is it a
joke? :D), true.

So my main arguments (and as a newcomer in MB I'm taking somewhat a
jazzy responsability in defending these rules I didn't wrote), are:
- flatening all to sentence case is just the *worse* choice, and is
deeply inelegant
- current rules we have, while being *far* from the complex and
controversial typographic rules we are used to in the publishing
industry, still provide us with something reasonnably simple, and
reasonnably close to the (non) consensual way we capitalize titles

As to adress another mail about bookshelves, I gathered a random
selection on my own - Gallimard (when they hire a decent typographer),
Minuit (when they are not on crack), Seuil, Fayard, L'Arche, Folio, Le
Livre de poche, Garnier-Flammarion, L'Esprit des péninsules, and many
other publishers all have titles matching our rules. (and I won't
bother everybody with the full title list, especially because
publishers are internally inconsistent, exact list by mail on demand

Now, as this was confusing, I'll try to address your question:

Apart from following the example of La Pléiade,

Trying to have rules looking decent.

what arguments do you
bring in favor of the (in)famous exception (which you don't want to
call an exception, but humor me)?

Simple sentence case really hurt the eyes :D

Or would rather, how would you
explain that MB must enforce this rule?

Should ;).
Because MB is about high quality documentation, in every language/circonstance.
How do you actually explain we have so many silly, contradictory
guidelines for each and every stuff, including rules for latin (this
is utterly silly :p)?

Could we not just say: "both
ways are acceptable"?

No :)

... Now I give up and join the traitor azertus.

Let's be pragmatic.

I just want to have the extended rules preserved as an option for
these who want to.

Anyhow, as nikki said, that's just the way it is now...

- Olivier

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