2006/8/3, Mangled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
2006/7/30, Frederic Da Vitoria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hmm, I gather you don't have any argument, except that it "hurts your
> eyes". In other words, you are so used to seeing things written that
> way that writing it in another way seems wrong to you. Ok I can
> understand this, although you will have to grant me that this is
> hardly an argument that can appeal to users who don't speak french.
> And I find the lack of a rational argument from someone born in the
> same country as Descartes... a little disappointing.

You gather wrong.
And ad hominem blows doesn't help your argument.

I'm responsible for your confusion as I thought you knew what we were
talking about, and incorrectly thought a bit humor would help.

I often wonder at how difficult it is to discuss when both
participants have the same mother language (French) but use another
language (English) to discuss.

Back to serious, so:
(a) there *are* typographic *conventions* used in the *publishing
industry* specifying how to capitalize titles
(b) while these conventions are not a *consensus*, and while
publishers (eg: typographers working for publishers) tend to each
prefer their own way to capitalize, I don't recall *anybody* in the
industry *seriously* thinking about sentence mode capitalization as
the way to go
(c) we are no longer (at least since 50 messages) talking about what
is the proper way to capitalize titles in french, and I don't think
there's a point arguing about this (as nobody here is qualified to
decide about that)
(d) what we are talking about is:
(i) should MB try to follow common typographic usage, as used for
books? Or should it not, as MB is not about litterature (argument by
(ii) if MB is to follow/choose a *decent* (decent according to *french
typographic conventions*) capitalization method, is it even
manageable? (argument by nikki)

I do think our current set of rules is decent (while IMO *not*
complicated *enough*, and not close enough to *my* preference, and
still sometimes hurting my eyes - as an example, we should made
exceptions for titles built around a symetrical scheme, as in "Le Bon,
la Brute et le Truand", but I'm sure everybody will scream "too

I'd prefer this to the current rules. It does make sense and it may
even be scriptable. Actually, "Le Bon, la brute et le truand" was my
main objection to the current rules. And it seems I was not the only

I don't think we should try to enforce something nobody would understand.

I'm disturb by french moderators who perfectly understand rules,
*deliberately* ignoring them.

I myself will accept any rules reaching a pragmatic consensus, and follow them.
Even (and I think it's pretty clear now) if we simply drop proper
french capitalization (yes, even if our set of rules was just an
*attempt* at proper capitalization).

Frederic Da Vitoria

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