2006/9/8, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Oh I wasn't implying to be consistent with them, I also think that looks ugly. 
Just that we put it in that section.


> Now, personnaly, I would simply strip it off to the following:
> "
> * artist wrote liner notes on release
> * release has liner notes by artist or URL
> "

I liked "for" more, and you surely forgot to strip off the "URL" here. ;)

* artist wrote liner notes for release
* release has liner notes by artist


> (b) because I can't imagine liner notes per-track (hence I think this
> AR only apply to releases, not to tracks)...

I have at least one album where the members of the band talk about every track 
in detail.

Depends then...
If different authors provide separate liner notes, each for a specific
track, I agree.
Otherwise, the fact they talk about the tracks in one blurb doesn't
make it specific to each track.

And I can't help but think Liner notes is like Cover art: it belong to
the release, not to tracks.

But hey, I don't mind, if you think it's usefull, let's go for tracks also.

- Olivier

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