On 9/19/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 19/09/06, Lauri Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/19/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 19/09/06, Lauri Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > They very often _are_ albums.  Just because you choose to call them
> > > other doesn't make them not-albums.
> >
> > example of a bonus disc that's an album? i can't think of one, and
> > they certainly aren't a majority, unless our definitions differ.
> searching for (bonus disc) turns up these on the very first page.  I'm
> sure I could find you hundreds, if I cared to.
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/aee63bc7-d58a-468c-8ec2-c1877a4710ee.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/b90f102b-c655-4162-86e1-f3748af91bad.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/61ad6a96-8dfd-47ae-8a65-5b893bf49e48.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/6ef9522d-15d5-41e7-9120-d51297b8881c.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/79d6ce90-c213-4fbc-b63f-15b2c5892500.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/c2327a16-de3e-42bd-aacc-8fde5a9ce439.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/b5bac44b-5cf3-4847-823d-a1241f663587.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/a6502413-ee87-47e2-8d71-d37cc5675a01.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/6126cb65-dc8e-4747-845c-898da69eaeb8.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/adca79f8-3876-4cd0-a7b9-1e4a85ff1cb9.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/c4fedac3-636c-45c4-9cdb-d9ee9c44bc0e.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/c626c829-9cc2-4519-aca7-866f6d014165.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/625904b3-316d-4e07-a3a5-4ca16dfe6e10.html
> http://musicbrainz.org/album/123c984e-6beb-46fe-8710-9b4915f11ed7.html
> Apparently, very many other people also disagree with you that a bonus
> disc can be an album.  Sure, a handful of those may be miscategorised,
> but most of them don't look like it to me.

i think the reason a lot of them are classed as albums is because
users have been applying the attribute of the primary disc to all
discs in the release, which is why i added the note in the first

I think you underestimate us.  As I mentioned, most of those _are_
best classified as albums, and some could go either way (a few live, a
few remix, and a couple of new tracks, on one cd)

It's very common in some situations, you know. Japanese releases.
CD's cost so much more in japan, they get extra goodies to encourage
people to buy locally, not import.

Re-issues of remastered "classic" albums from cult bands, with a bonus
disc of unreleased material, to convince the die hard fans to buy
another copy of an album they already have.

Issues of albums that have been available for import for a long time.
Swedish or British artists issuing their albums in the US a year and a
half after their native release comes to mind, this happens pretty
often.  Again, to try to get fans to shell out for the local copy even
if they got the import, or sometimes less cynically, just because it's
taken so long to get international distribution, they've written some
more songs by the time they do.

I assume you don't happen to edit a lot of these artists, or you'd
have seen more of them.

Sometimes, an album is just an album.

Lauri Watts

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