Kerensky97 wrote:

DonRedman wrote:
Heh, what about that simple suggestion: We could make a wiki page and collect all these artist there and the decisions that led to the state they are in. This would not be a guideline yet, but maybe a step towards one.

I still think we need something more tangible than a wiki page listing the
consensus on every artist name change, or even an annotation on the page
mentioning the former or new name.  Maybe I wasn't clear before, the AR
doesn't have to actaully do anything now, it would have the same power as
"Performs as" but would signify a different change where an artist changed
name to something else at some point (and as a bounus it provides a
convienient link to that artist).  And we can still vote on certain merges
that we don't think should be done, or certain merges we think should be

Then maybe someday in the future we can utilize that AR to provide more cool
functionality when we have the programmers and testers to deal with it.

Personally I'm of the opinion that the prospect of generating a lot of work by separating artists and releases as in the proposal shouldn't stand in the way of creating a more semantically correct database. When changing the behaviour it doesn't mean everything has to be done at once. The changes to the releases can be made gradually whenever a new artist is added or whenever someone is up for the task.

I do understand that a lot(?) of people might be reluctant with such a big change all of a sudden. Because of that I think I have to agree with Kerensky97. We could still change the the current 'performs as' AR to at least be able to create a link to other band/artist names. At the moment there are already releases divided over different artist names because, unlike others like e.g. Prince, in those cases it was decided to keep them separated. Especially in case of joined names an artist annotation can be added explaining the situation, optionally with a link to a wiki page with a discussion or more reasoning if needed.



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