Aaron Cooper wrote:
Thanks to the internet, information about soon-to-be released albums
is available well before the official release date.  I think we should
have a "Upcoming" or similar ReleaseStatus for albums which are added
to the database before the official retail release date.

This would allow us to add information which people find useful (with
proof, of course) before the release is available for public
consumption.  We could maintain a query of the "Upcoming" releases
(possibly sorted by expected release dates) which would make it easy
for us to review and confirm details on or after the official release
date.  The release status could then be changed appropriately.


On one hand, the info would be redundant because a release date already expresses that something is 
upcoming. On the other hand it's not really. For example if a band publishes a tracklisting for one 
of their albums and says "we'll be releasing this in the summer this year" then you can 
only set the release date to 2007 and it wouldn't be known if this is still an upcoming date or 
already over. Also you already may have exact information for an album before it is released, 
through a promo copy for example. Then the release date would be in the future but the data would 
be confirmed already. Perhaps "unconfirmed" is a better term for such a release type, 
less ambiguous and redundant.

I've been thinking about a way to keep track of news for my favourite bands. I 
want to get informed about:
1. regular news about a band (line-up changes, sideprojects, etc.)
2. concert dates near me
3. upcoming releases (different phases like composing, recording, mixing; when 
a title, a tracklisting, release dates and cover art get available)

1. is something for which I, unfortunately, still have to scan band websites. 
This is because most of them missed the Web2.0 trend and never heard about RSS 
(not to speak of working websites).
2. is something sites like http://upcoming.org/ , http://eventful.com/ and 
lately http://www.last.fm/ do (more or less good).
3. is something MB could well do - I'm not sure though which of the different 
phases of an upcoming release it could cover. Ideally I would be able to query 
for upcoming releases for my subscribed artists (or even a separate list of 
artists because my subscriptions cover my editing preferences, not my musical 
preferences), whether there are titles available already or not. Those 
unconfirmed releases could also be listed separately from the regular 

Simon (Shepard)

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