
voiceinsideyou asked for input on
http://musicbrainz.org/show/edit/?editid=7696392, but I want to raise
the issue to this list.

The issue in short: the collaboration style guide requires and "Artist
A, Artist B & Artist C" format which is very unnatural for Han scripts
(Chinese+Japanese). We can either make all Chinese and Japanese
collaboration artists really ugly or we can have inconsistent data. I
don't have an example at hand, but the inconsistency might be
"堀江由衣、倉田雅世、雪乃五月" and "堀江由衣, 倉田雅世, & Latin Script Artist" on the same

To reiterate what I said in my edit note, I've seen the following
formats actually used for Chinese artists: "歌手甲/歌手乙/歌手丙" (full or
halfwidth slash) and "歌手甲 歌手乙 歌手丙" (full or halfwidth space). For two
artists I have seen "歌手甲 & 歌手乙" which is why this is only an issue for
3+ artist collaborations.

I beleive that MusicBrainz defaults to forcing everything into a mold
that was made to fit latin scripts and that we need to review this
particular guideline (http://musicbrainz.org/doc/SortNameStyle). We
don't have many Chinese users and we would get even further away from
the possibility of having any by enforcing the guidelines as they are.

Can someone give a quick summary of what is common style for Japanese
collaborations as used by actual Japanese people?

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