Bram van Dijk wrote:
I recently added AR's of Nick Cave singing on every track of his album Murder Ballads at the track level. I was corrected that this credit should have been at the album level, though it turned out that there was no guideline (yet) which told that.

Good point. Unfortunately there isn't a guideline yet. I came across similar situations where there was disagreement about on which level an AR should be added.

Initially I had 2 reasons to put them at the track level:
1. In the booklet they were given at the track level
2. In some songs he was not the only vocalist, so the other vocal credit would be given at the track level anyway, making it kind of confusing, since looking at the track in the website does not give the AR's that are entered on the album level. Also because it was not clear whether track level AR's replace album level AR's or are just additional.

Two perfectly valid reasons in my opinion. In fact, I would have done the exact same thing in your situation. When the vocal AR of Nick Cave is entered at release level and some track have a separate vocal AR for a different person, I interpret this as a complete exception. In this case Nick Cave did the vocals for all the tracks which don't have a vocal AR on track level and the second person did the vocal all by him self for the tracks which have his vocal AR. In this case one could argue, of course, that you could have added both names only to the tracks which have two or more vocalists and a release AR for all tracks which have no vocal track AR. I tend to base this on the situation. If there are a relatively small amount of exceptions I would go for the latter solution. If there are nothing but exception I might as well add everything on track level since having a general release AR would only cause more confusion.

Ideally all these kinds of ARs should be entered at track level. This is the only way, imho, to rule out any misinterpretation. Unfortunately this tends to loose the overview when looking at the track list (example [1]) at this stage. Because of this, I apply the reasoning above to cut it down a bit and add ARs to all tracks when there's no other option. For now that is... ;-)


Age (Prodoc)


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