Bram van Dijk wrote:

there are also some of the bad seeds with vocal credits, so if Nick Cave would have gotten the track lavel credit it would have said "has vocal performed by Blixa Bargeld, Nick Cave and Thomas Wydler", and now we have "has vocal performed by Blixa Bargeld and Thomas Wydler".

In this case you mean that Nick Cave did vocals for all the tracks, because of the release AR, and Blixa Bargeld and Thomas Wydler are additional vocalists for the one track. I do, however, still consider it as an exception where Nick cave did not take part. Going for this style would require you to add everything to most tracks if there are just one or two exceptions, which would be even messier. There are situations where the release level vocalist did not participate on all tracks. Because of this I think Nick Cave should be added to this one track as well.


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