> > The problem is that once we will have an option to merge tracks, ARs
> > entered at the track level will be usable (not only visible) on all
> > releases. Release-level ARs will be obviously available only on the
> > specific release.
> hang on...won't they get copied down through to the lower levels? if
> not that's just invalidated 90& of the ARs i've seen and entered in my
> tenure at MBz!
> i always thought that credits that apply to the whole of a release (ie
> each and every track) were release-wide. if not, what would be the
> point of allowing things like the composer AR to be applied to a
> release?

Even if this does happen (and I hope it does) as you're describing, here's
how I see it as problematic...

Ok.  We will be merging tracks together, to identify where they are the same
master on multiple releases.  Given that,

If the AR is attached to a track currently, and that track is merged into a
master, it's a simple one step AR transition.  AR on track --> AR on
master.  Simple, easy, understandable, and very bork-free.

However, if the AR is attached to a release, then it's more complex.  First,
we would need a table of which of the release-level ARs even do map down to
tracks.  (ex: a photography AR stops at the release level, a composition AR
maps from the release level down to the track level).

Now, let's assume the AR we're dealing with is on the table to map from the
release to the tracks.  You map the AR from the release to the tracks, then
from the tracks back out to the various masters.

AR on Release ?--> is AR n list to map to tracks? --> yes --> AR on track
--> AR on master
no --> Stop

It's still getting there, but conceptually it's more complex, and, s we
still have people adding ARs to releases where those ARs don't actually
apply to each and every single track, it's also more likely to get put data
on the track masters.

If I'm adding an AR to a track, it specifically applies to that track.  If
I'm adding an AR to a release, theoretically it applies to every track, but
I will put money on the fact that this isn't actually true for each and
every single release-level track-describing AR currently in the database.

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