On 31-Jan-08, at 11:18 PM, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
While working on something entirely unrelated, I stumbled onto this,
at Wikipedia.  Though Musicbrainz is not a wiki, it would seem that if
they can do it generally, the distinction between hyphen, dash,
en-dash, and em-dash ought to not scare folks who are dealing with the
complexities of CSG... :)


While we're discussing typography, if I can risk bringing it up, does
anyone feel strongly against the use of … instead of ...?  (the
ellipses character vs 3 periods)
It has three benefits:
1) with our current 255 character limitations, it's a savings of two characters,
2) It's more correct typography,
and 3) On the tagging end, starting with … is valid (in Windows) and
doesn't make it a hidden file/dir (in linux) (not sure how the mac
handles initial periods), and ending with it is valid (in windows)
(not sure if ending in a period is an issue in linux/mac)...

Starting files/directories with a period makes them hidden for Macs, too. Ending with a period doesn't seem to be a problem though. I'm cool with replacing ... with … (it's pretty easy on a Mac: Option + :).

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