On Feb 15, 2008 12:09 AM, Aaron Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 13-Feb-08, at 7:36 AM, Chris B wrote:
> > back to the proposal: i would say that we should allow all box sets to
> > be added even if they are a subset of a larger box, UNLESS that box is
> > just a box containing other, existing, boxes (bear with me) - in which
> > case that's basically the same logic we apply to boxes that contain
> > separately available items.
> >
> > eg
> > - if the 180 set is a meta-package of 10x 10 disc volumes (with the
> > same order), which are also available separately, then add them
> > separately. if all the discs are available separately, then add no box
> > sets.
> I wish we could just add box sets.  We're never going to have the
> worst case scenario where every box set ever was added.  But if they
> were, someone must have *REALLY* wanted to add them considering all
> the work that would have had to gone into entering correct track
> titles for 180 CDs!
> How about we not worry about the duplication caused by box sets?
> People who own individual CDs don't want box set release titles and
> people who own box sets don't want individual release titles messing
> up their box sets.  Why don't we just let people add both?  It's not
> like they'd cause any harm.  There are already bazillions of releases
> under each composer.
> Can anyone think of a reason why we shouldn't allow both box sets and
> individual discs?

I don't have much against allowing it, but I certainly wouldn't want anybody
to make me do it! If a CD I have is already in MB as part of a box set and I
have a single CD release, I don't want to have to enter my single CD release
before I send my PUIDs.

Frederic Da Vitoria
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

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