On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Brian Schweitzer

>  To only respond to one thing you said:
>  > No.  We apply the usual standard of MB editing, and _fix it_.  If you
>  > (the generic you) know the album is valid and you can't be arsed
>  > fixing it yourself, you have no business voting no on it.
>  I have to disagree.  If something is added with incomplete titles, no
>  attention to the style guidelines, etc, it is the responsibility of
>  the editor who added that release to fix it, else have it voted down.
>  It is not the responsibility of the voters to clean up serious missing
>  information and style issues in release adds.  I'm not saying we vote
>  something out because it has some bad capitalization.

I've seen exactly that happen.  I voted yes on an album addition
_yesterday_ that had a no vote on a style issue, and would have
otherwise failed.'

>  But you seem to
>  forget - if no one votes no on that add edit with just tempos, and no
>  one fixes it, it expires in and defacto becomes part of the database.
>  We have plenty enough "not even basic info" classical release listings
>  like that in the database already, thank you very much.

I prefer to fix them and explain why.

 I think voting no without doing so is elitist and unfair, especially
when said no votes are not even accompanied with a comment.  It's a
bully tactic, and has no place here.

Lauri Watts

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