Paul C. Bryan wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 00:26 -0400, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
>> ... some of the editors who don't participate in the lists and who
>> don't really know CSG well yet are paying attention to everything we
>> do, but not the reasons we do it...
> Like me, for example. And I probably won't be able to fathom some of the
> reasons at this point, as it seems require in-depth knowledge of the
> artists, their works, the history of the handling and cataloging of
> their works in order to grasp.

Hi again,
I can only speak for myself, but I'm a dabbler who happens to like music 
and am fairly good at googling :)

You learn to find some valuable sources of information as you move along 
- I believe it was you who showed me , an essential reference 
for the MB opera voter and editor :)

While it is great to have people that knows every minute detail of 
this-or-that composer, it should not be needed to be at MB. When we do 
disagree on something for classical, it is perhaps unavoidable that a 
certain amount of score fetishism and numerological beliefs are developed...

> However, I am good at following established patterns and standards, and
> tend to be good at not questioning them unless I cannot sense a method
> to their madness. Suffice to say, probably a large percentage of your
> editors are in the same boat as me.

Other places in this thread (for SMP and Messiah) I've dug up some data 
indicating that the 
fill-in-all-conceivable-and-even-redundant-details-sentiment is quite 
new. And there seems to be no consensus on this now, either.

Now it's up to you to find out how *you* want track titles to look for 
the artsts you subscribe to :)



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