Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:28 AM, Leiv Hellebo wrote:
>     Having the double/upright bass under violins, one could use "has Violins
>     performed by" for music which is for "String orchestra"
>     (
> What's wrong with "has strings performed by"?. I mean, wouldn't it be 
> better to alter the instrument three (probably only change the name of 
> "String instruments" to "Strings")?

I don't quite get your second sentence, so I'm gonna assume it should 
read something like "wouldn't it be better to just change the name, not 
alter the instrument tree". My reply:

Nothing is wrong with "has strings performed by".

Now the only thing I know to be outright wrong about the instrument 
tree, is the two entries for the one instrument double bass / acoustic 
upright. This will be solved easily, at least I guess so from reading 
the ticket. But I thought it worth the while to throw in an "and guys, 
while you're improving on the bass handling, please consider doing a 
little more".

I get by well with how things are, so if I'm the only one who ever felt 
the need for this, it can safely be postponed indefinitely :)

In short my reasons for wanting the moving of bass:

Originally written for viols only:
And this is arranged for viols

None contain double bass however, but still "has viola da gambas 
performed by" seems proper.

Contrast this with this release

This is all violins there, but I couldn't choose "violins", without 
adding also "has double bass performed by", which would have looked weird...

In other words: I think moving the bass subtree would fit better with 
the way ensembles are put together, and with how composers have written 
for these instruments.


PS. I am not of the opinion one should always descend as far down in the 
instrument tree as possible when adding ARs. I do them inconsistently, 
and occasionally even use "XX is performed by YY" without specifying 
instruments further:

It should be clear enough from the context what is going on, and only 
the description on PerformerRelationshipType ("If you know that a 
certain artist performed on a track/release, but you do not know what 
they performed, then [only specify PerformedBy]") makes me inclined to 
think something more specific is needed.

Other times, though, it makes very much sense to add them, and I should 
have done so for track number eight here:

(And I will add them, when I get the time.)

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