On Jul 30, 2008, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm thinking, making a plan of how to proceed will be a lot easier, if
> we really understand what we've already got.
> If you think this is a good idea, I'm willing to take it on (and if I
> take it on, I'm obviously willing to add other 'measurements' that
> should be collected as it's being done.)

Go team Kiwi!

I think you two are on the right track for fixing things -- please  
feel free to move ahead to streamline the process and fix up the docs.

As far as the Moin 1.6 migration is concerned, Brian Freud and Panda  
were the two biggest proponents of that work. However, both of them  
have been swallowed up by life, so that project should be considered  
dead/dormant for the time being.

If MediaWiki can be used for transclusion, I'm all for the switch.


--ruaok      Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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